20,000 like us – and we love you

We’re celebrating an incredible 20,000 likes on our Facebook page with a special offer for all our wonderful supporters: sign up for your membership by January 14, 2014, and you’ll receive a FREE Fur is Not Fabric tote bag.

These cruelty-free bags are made with 100% recycled plastic in the United States and are a great way to carry home your groceries, books or anything else!

Thank you for helping us start 2014 on top, Facebook friends!

If you haven’t done so already, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for regular updates about our blog, campaigns, and more!

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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About Us

Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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