The Fur-Bearers are pleased to release the results of a 2022 survey sent to British Columbia municipalities regarding wildlife in their communities and community needs.
From June to October 2022, The Fur-Bearers appealed to 160 municipalities in British Columbia to participate in the short survey. Final data shows 22.98% of municipalities had employees respond to the survey, providing an overview of common issues, perceptions, and opportunities for charitable-sector involvement.
You can read the full report below or download the PDF by clicking here.
This report will inform the educational programs developed by The Fur-Bearers and assist us in identifying greater opportunities to improve welfare and outcomes of wildlife in communities throughout the province.
Key Recommendations From the Report:
1 Focus on public-facing campaigns within municipalities
2 Progammize education on commonly mentioned species like black bears and coyotes
3 Increase coverage of raccoons, small rodents, and other fur-bearing animals with high scores in survey data.
4 Utilize innovative educational tools to deliver programs.
The Fur-Bearers plan to revisit the survey regularly to ensure we are providing services and programs that are most beneficial to communities where wildlife and residents need support.