$7M spent on pre-election messaging, but still no increases for wildlife

Election 2015, Canada, Harper, Trudeau, marijuana, wildlife
A whopping $7,026,822 was spent by the Harper government on advertising that promotes an anti-marijuana agenda, but there is still ‘no money’ for increases for boots-on-the-ground conservation officers, wildlife programs, or even fulfilling our international obligations to wildlife conservation.

Justin Trudeau, the Canada Goose-wearing leader of the Liberal Party, has publicly stated (and defended) his intent to legalize marijuana. Since that statement was made (and defended), the Harper government and the Conservative Party have attacked Trudeau on it.

Which makes it rather obvious, to us, that this sudden need for spending on anti-marijuana advertising is politically motivated.

Global News reported that the $7M price tag linked to last year’s ad campaign is more than Health Canada spent on all of its advertising programs and campaigns in total for the year.

Yet cutbacks to essential programs like Parks Canada and provincially-mandated conservation programs have not been reversed. The government has still not acted on its CITES obligations. And every day, hundreds of thousands of animals remain at-risk of poor welfare laws through political inaction.

It is time for Harper and his anti-wildlife ways to go. As the election nears this year, we will be bringing you more information and expecting everyone to get out and vote.

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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