Action Alert: Protect Canada’s wildlife by giving resources to Parks Canada

An influx of visitors at Canada’s spectacular National Parks is expected in 2017, as Parks Canada distributes free passes across the country – and beyond our borders.

While interest in wild places and green spaces is wonderful, and could play a role in creating sustainable conservation without consumption, it does pose a problem: increased conflict. Banff National Park saw multiple wolves of a pack killed following behaviour deemed inappropriate last year, which likely stemmed from inappropriate behaviour of park visitors.

From intentional feeding for photography to unintentional feeding due to poor campsite maintenance, human impact on wildlife populations (and yes, feeding chipmunks can impact wolves) can be profound. There are laws and protocols in place to provide education and signage, and fines or even jail time can be levied against visitors who refuse to follow the rules that protect animals.

But as documented in past blogs, Parks Canada has seen an increase in visitors without an appropriate or matching increase in funding. As we go into a year that will likely see all-time highs in visitors, it’s vital not just for the enjoyment of visitors, but for the very future of the wildlife that calls the parks home, that funding is provided to put boots on the ground.

Please join us in contacting Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna and asking that appropriate funding and policies be put in place to prioritize the protection of wildlife in national parks. You can click the button below to open a new emailor copy/paste the sample email provided below it. Please add your name and address to your email.


Or copy/paste this sample letter


Re: Funding to protect wildlife in Canada’s national parks

Dear Minister McKenna,

I appreciate that you and our government want to increase awareness and use of our National Parks. But with several wolves killed in Banff National Park should show that there are not enough enforcement officials on the ground, and that educational initiatives are not doing their jobs.

Please immediately allocate funding to Parks Canada to hire more staff and properly enforce laws in place to protect wildlife in our national parks, before more are killed due to inaction.


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Established in 1953, The Fur-Bearers is a charitable, non-partisan organization whose goals are to end the commercial fur trade and promote solutions for wildlife coexistence in communities. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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