ACTION ALERT: Tell your MP to support ‘Modernizing Animal Protection’ bill in Parliament

A Private Members Bill (PMB) that includes a ban on the import and sale of dog and cat fur to Canada, and a requirement to label species of origin on all fur products, is hitting the House of Commons Friday – and we need you to show your support.

Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Member of Parliament for Beaches-East York is introducing his PMB, known as the Modernizing Animal Protectionbill,on Friday, February 26. In addition to the ban on the import and sale of dog and cat fur and updates to the Textile Labelling Act, this bill seeks to close loopholes in the criminal code relating to animal cruelty, and end the practice of shark finning in Canada.

“This is not a partisan issue,” Erskine-Smith said in a release. “Canadians across the political spectrum care about improving animal welfare.This bill addresses three specific and achievable goals, to modernize our animal protection laws, and bring them into the 21st century.”

The Fur-Bearers’ petition to parliament to ban the import and sale of dog and cat fur will help show support for this bill, and will remain active.


While this PMB is being presented by a member who is part of the majority government, it still needs the support of a majority of members – and the current government has said they will allow free votes. The animals need you to write to your own MP and tell them you want them to support the Modernizing Animal Protection bill being presented by Nathaniel Erskine-Smith.

You can find your MP by clicking here, and either call or email their office with a letter asking for support as a constituent.


Stay on point: this issue is about the Modernizing Animal Protection bill – not anything else. Keep your comments directed to the facts and provide citations if necessary.

Stay polite and use spell check: if you’re rude, aggressive, misspell words, or use incorrect grammar, readers may become disengaged or dismissive of your points.

Provide solutions: rather than just say what’s wrong, say what’s right. Offer solutions or alternatives to help move forward conversations.

Identify yourself: it’s important to include your address when writing politicians so they know who you are, where you’re from, and that your vote will affect them in the next election.

Let us know what you hear: if you receive a message back from your representative, or they would like to discuss the issues in greater detail with us, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

monthly donor(for as little as $5/month – the cost of a single latte) pleaseclick hereand help us save lives today.

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Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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