ACTION ALERT: Warning signs would protect dogs from dangerous traps

ACTION ALERT: Warning signs would protect dogs from dangerous traps

Leg-hold traps, Conibear or body-gripping traps, and snares are baited and set across Canada. Every province and territory allow their use. And in every jurisdiction, there is a very real danger to pets – one that pet owners are often in the dark about.

Just in January, The Fur-Bearers were notified of three dogs caught in two separate incidents by snares in Prince Edward Island; a dog in a protected area was caught in was described as a body-gripping trap near Prince George, British Columbia; a Maple Ridge dog nearly died in a trap set for raccoons; and, a family pet was found dead in a snare in Manitoba. These are only incidents posted through traditional media services – many others likely occurred in the same period.

Many of these traps were baited – meant to draw in animals like raccoons, coyotes, or other scavengers and carnivores. But those baits will also be tantalizing to domestic dogs and cats, and a trap can’t differentiate between target and non-target species.

While The Fur-Bearers want an end to trapping, we can save lives today by instituting common sense upgrades to trapping policies in Canada’s provinces and territories (where wildlife and trapping issues are managed) to protect family pets and even children. A major first step would simply be signage for area residents or visitors that dangerous traps are set and baited in the area. Were this the case in many incidents, we are sure it would affect decisions and actions– and needless suffering prevented.

Please take a moment and contact your provincial representative with our form below and help us protect dogs, cats, other domestic animals, and children from the dangers of traps.

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