An advocate’s guide to preventing compassion fatigue

Mental health is the centre of conversations across Canada today, as Bell's #LetsTalk campaign inspires many to share their stories and help end the stigma surrounding mental health issues. With as many as 1-in-5 Canadians experiencing a mental health or addiction problem every year, and 1-in-2 Canadians having, or having had, a mental illness by age 40, it’s clear that it is something that should be a priority.

And for animal advocates, understanding the realities of compassion fatigue is also a priority.

That’s why today, The Fur-Bearers is posting the recording of our webinar, An Advocate’s Guide to Compassion Fatigue, which owas originally presented in May 2016 (this is not the same webinar from the Compassionate Conservation Week series). We hope that it may help you, your family, or your loved ones, stay happy, healthy, and speaking for the animals.

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