APFA visits Cornwall with coyote expert

Members from The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals are heading to Cornwall next week to take part in an investigation, presentation and celebration of coyotes with Coyote Watch Canada.

Last year, APFA worked with the city to implement beaver dam flow devices, thereby providing a safe, ecologically-sound way for beavers to coexist alongside humans. With the upcoming visit, CWC and APFA hope to provide information on coexisting with coyotes.

CWC has an extensive history of successfully providing municipalities with coexistence strategies, including ground-breaking work in the City of Niagara Falls. Lesley Sampson, co-founder of CWC, will be presenting to the public and working with officials to show how a program like this could be effective in Cornwall, as well.

In addition to the educational component of the visit, APFA and CWC will be admiring the works of local artist Jacqueline Milner and others at the Coyote Connections Art Show. Hosted at the Grind Internet Café from January 9 to 23, it will certainly be an opportunity to see the beauty of coyotes and other wildlife through the eyes of talented artists.

The public presentation will take place on January 23, 2014 starting at 7 pm in Cornwall, Ontario.

Image courtesy Jacqueline Milner

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