Athabasca resident hits home run with feeding by-law request

We say it so often, it may be worth printing on our business cards: where there’s wildlife conflict, there’s food. Yet it’s clearly not sinking in that quickly. Except in Athabasca, Alberta.

According to an article in The Athabasca Advocate, one resident who has concerns about feral cats and deer around his home is asking for a simple solution – a feeding by-law.

The Chief Administrative Officer noted that such regulations only exist in provincial parks. That, of course, does not mean that a municipality cannot create such a by-law. In fact, it’s becoming more common as the lessons of co-existence permeate slowly across the country.

We congratulate Mr. Ron Gordon of Athabasca for his compassionate and informed request to his municipality and fully support any who choose to follow in his footsteps.

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