B.C. government killed 217 wolves in 2023, costing $1.65M

A wolf in the Canadian Rockies. Photo by John E. Marriott / WildernessPrints.com

The province of British Columbia spent $1.65 million killing wolves and cougars in the first few months of 2023. In total, 217 wolves and 8 cougars were killed. This is according the new information posted on the province’s caribou recovery program website. The 2022-2023 pdf summary details the province’s activities during last winter’s wolf cull, a taxpayer-funded program that kills hundreds of wolves in British Columbia every year.

Screenshot from Predator Reduction to Support Caribou Recovery: 2022-2023 Summary

The 217 wolves were tracked and shot from helicopters, while hunting dogs were used to track the eight cougars that were killed. The annual wolf cull is one method the province has adopted to address endangered caribou declines. However, research has shown that killing wolves won’t save caribou. These animals are being needlessly killed by  government contractors year after year, while caribou habitat is being destroyed and disturbed by human activity. A 2021 study writes:

"Our findings support the idea that short-term recovery actions such as predator reductions and translocations will likely just delay caribou extinction in the absence of well-considered habitat management. Given the magnitude of ongoing habitat change, it is clear that unless the cumulative impacts of land-uses are effectively addressed through planning and management actions that consider anthropogenic and natural disturbances, we will fail to achieve self-sustaining woodland caribou populations across much of North America."

Nagy-Reis, M, Dickie, M, Calvert, AM, et al. Habitat loss accelerates for the endangered woodland caribou in western Canada. Conservation Science and Practice. 2021; 3:e437

For more information into the background of the wolf cull and further resources, visit our wolf cull landing page by clicking here.

Survey shows most Canadians believe killing wolves is wrong

This year, The Fur-Bearers partnered with researchers to understand Canadians’ attitudes towards wolves. One major finding from our survey is that 68% of Canadians believe that the killing of wolves is wrong, even if it’s done to save another species. This demonstrates a rejection of British Columbia’s wildlife management approach which has resulted in over 1900 dead wolves since 2015. Other key highlights from the survey show that 70% of Canadians have positive attitudes towards wolves, and 83% of Canadians believe wolves are important members of the ecosystem and should be protected.

The positive attitudes towards wolves from Canadian citizens are in sharp contrast with the provincial wildlife management approach that uses taxpayer money to exterminate them. The wolf cull is unethical, unscientific, inhumane, and opposed by the public. British Columbia’s annual slaughter of wolves needs to end.

Take Action!

Raise your voice to protect the wolves of British Columbia. Click here to send a letter to the Premier of British Columbia to call on the province to end the wolf cull.

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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