On the heels of a raccoon being found in the city of Surrey, suffering in a leg-hold trap, The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals is calling on Surrey City Council to ban the leg-hold, Conibear and snare traps.
Quite simply, these lethal traps are dangerous, cruel, outdated and are easily replaced by non-lethal alternatives.
The leg-hold trap was invented 300 years ago, and it holds its victims in a vice-like grip that can leave animals writhing in pain for days before death can end their ordeal. While leg-hold traps are legal in all provinces across Canada, only specific models can be used (depending on a variety of factors, ie. why kind of animal is being targeted, where the trap is being set etc). Only the models of leg-hold traps with ‘teeth’ are prohibited.

Photo: Leg-hold trap
The Conibear trap is perhaps the most dangerous trap. It clamps onto various parts of the animals body (shoulder, abdomen, neck etc.) to cause excruciating pain. Each year, our organization receives dozens of calls/emails from pet owners whose animal was accidentally caught and/or killed in a Conibear trap.

Photo: Conibear trap
The snare trap is a simple wire noose that encircles the animal’s body (neck, abodmen, leg etc). It tighens as the animal struggles. The snare can cause a terribly prolonged and horrendous death.

Photo: Snare trap
To view how these traps work in the wild, please watch our video Crying Shame.
(Warning: This video contains graphic images of animal cruelty).
How you can help stop trapping cruelty.
1. Never buy fur or fur trim.
2. Ask your city council to pass a bylaw to ban the use of the leg-hold, Conibear and snare trap.
You can also help by writing a polite letter/email to the City of Surrey, BC encouraging them to pass a bylaw to prohibit the leg-hold, Conibear and snare trap. For contact information for the Mayor and City Councillors of Surrey, please visit: