BC is losing sight of conservation as greed looms large

winter wolf BC
Wolves are hunted for sport in some regions of British Columbia. In other regions, they’re shot from helicopters or tracked to their den sites and slaughtered. And now, in the ironically-named Peace region, the government wants to double the number of wolves killed annually.

CBC News has reported that not only does the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources want to double the number of wolves killed (and expand the length of the season) in this region from 275 to over 500, they also want to triple the number of grizzlies killed from 50 to 150.

Aside from the ethical bankruptcy of provincial politicians this represents, there is also a clear scientific reason to not kill a significantly higher number of animals: we don’t know how many there actually are.

Chris Darimont, Scientific Director for Raincoast Conservation Foundation and a university professor, made the case quite clear when speaking with CBC radio.

“I know that what we see in the bush can not necessarily reflect reality," he said. "To get good measures of abundance of animals requires lots of money and lots of time, and that due diligence has not been done by the province."

Darimont also noted that not enough is known about the grizzly population, including the speed and rate of reproduction.


This kind of disturbing move by the province must be protested. The public, online commenting period for this initiative runs until December 31 and can be accessed by clicking here. You should also write your local MLA (find your MLA) if you’re a resident of British Columbia, as well as the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Steve Thomson (click for contact details) and Premier Christy Clark (click for contact details). If you need more information on the details of wolf and grizzly bear conservation in British Columbia, please visit the Raincoast Conservation Foundation project page by clicking here.

Please forward any responses you receive from your MLA (whom The Fur-Bearers would be happy to meet with) or the provincial leadership to [email protected].

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