Fort St. John, which is located in Northeastern B.C., has been awarding cash prizes to people who kill wolves; small, medium and large wolves…and offering extra prizes to participants such as a free gun or taxidermy services.
The Peace Rod and Gun Club announced the heartless competition on November 15th, 2012 and has been encouraging folks to participate in this out-of-date and barbaric scheme ever since.
People across Canada are rightfully outraged by this merciless move targeting innocent victims. But outrage is not enough. Wolves need your voice. Please contact the following decision makers and contest sponsors (BELOW) to demand an end to this brutal routine. Pacific Wild is taking this to court, and has been told by BC Gaming Investigations that the “contest is legal”. If current law supports unethical treatment of sentient beings, and provides rewards for “murder”, the law needs changing. Public pressure is needed to show those involved that THIS CONTEST IS UNACCEPTABLE.
While contest organizers claim this is “Sport”, the definition of sport includes that (activities) “Be in no way harmful to any living creature”. Killing is not a game. What type of society rewards people for killing innocent victims? With your help, we can put an end to this now and forever. Please take a moment to stand against this cruel and vicious enterprise.

The BC government has ignored public pleas to improve the grim management plan for wolves which legitimizes killing wolves for sport, fear of livestock losses, and in the name of caribou recovery. Thousands of comments against this plan have gone unheeded, and things look even worse for wolves and wildlife when Killing Contests are allowed. Please get upset about this injustice. Please contact those who can change this and request that this contest be stopped and never repeated.
Thank you for adding your howl to the Western Wolf Pact….an effort to unite voices for wolves from all backgrounds.
Please cc [email protected] on comments.
Hon. Rich Coleman–Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
(the ministry responsible for B.C. gaming)
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (250) 387-5896
Fax: (250) 356-2965
Hon. Terry Lake–Minister of Environment
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 250 387-1187
Fax: 250 387-1356
Hon. Steve Thomson–Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 250-387-6240
The contest sponsors include (click for contact info):
Guy Lahaye, president of the North Peace Rod & Gun Club
Raven Oilfield Rentals
Backcountry (hunting & fishing store)
Mr. Green-Up Envirotech Ltd.
Rich Petersen, Remax realtor [email protected]