Bear Coexistence Door Hangers Available

The Fur-Bearers’ double-sided door hangers offer tips on attractant management, what to do if you see a bear, and more.

Black bears in British Columbia and across Canada are out looking for food, safety and sometimes a bit of fun. That means our communities need to brush up on their coexistence knowledge – and we’ve got a tool that can help!

Our bear coexistence door hangers are designed to be a simple but effective educational tool. The double-sided pamphlet, cut so it easily hooks onto most residential doors, explains the basics on attractant management, what to do if you see a bear, and how to find more information about coexistence.

These door hangers are available FREE upon request for you to distribute in your neighbourhood. Please click here to open a form to request door hangers today.

How It Helps

  • The Fur-Bearers, in communicating with the BC Conservation Officer Service, can identify hotspots of bear activity where education and intervention is needed.
  • Providing educational materials may make it easier to enforce existing local or provincial laws, as awareness of local issues can be shown to increase.
  • Volunteers can easily distribute door hangers, as they’re lightweight and easy-to-read.
  • We can track where door hangers are going, and over time, identify areas that may need increased interventions.
  • It helps get those steps in! Going door-to-door to drop off door hangers is great exercise, gets you off the computer and onto the street, and can even lead to new friendships with neighbours!

A fed bear is a dead bear, but education and enforcement of the public can save lives. Help us be part of the solution to improve outcomes for black bears by contacting us to distribute door hangers in your community today at [email protected].

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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