Wildlife conflicts on the rise in Banff

A long winter and poor berry crop are the likely contributing factors to a rise in wildlife conflict in Banff, the CBC reports. A wildlife ecologist noted that the number of conflicts has risen 33 per cent over recent years, though there have been no injuries. Learning to co-exist with wildlife is a must for Banff, as animals will be searching further than usual for food.
Animals in Victoria get a breath of fresh air
Pets suffering from smoke inhalation will be given special treatment by Victoria firefighters now that fire trucks are equipped with CPR devices designed for animals.
While pet owners may be able to rest easier knowing that Victoria’s bravest have life-saving tech for their furry family members, the Victoria fire chief asks residents to practice fire safety and get ‘rescue my pet’ stickers for their homes.
Are sea otters making a comeback?
After being hunted to extinction in BC by fur traders by the 19th century, a sea otter was seen frolicking in the waters of Cadboro Bay. A local woman caught the sea otter playing – rolling and diving – not far off the beach, and reported the exciting news with CHEK.
Media handles coyote increase responsibly
When young coyotes begin dispersing in late summer, we usually see a string of horror-filled headlines. But not in Edmonton. The journalists in the Alberta city are being responsible and offering good tips on hazing, not feeding and understanding the importance and elegance of the wild canids.
August 12: Unintended trap mauls baby skunk
August 13: Wolverine protection may be withdrawn: climate change science is ‘ambigious’
August 14: GRAPHIC CONTENT: Animals must be removed from Quebec fur farm today!
August 15: Is ‘forgive and forget’ the new enforcement policy in Quebec?
Defender Radio Episode 143: Algonquin coywolf goes home