Beaver Blotter: February 23, 2014

Bearing it all

Scientists were once concerned that a highway overpass would interfere with the breeding habits of wild animals. But it would appear that the overpasses have become the bear equivalent of by-the-hour motels.

According to a story on the CBC website, black bears and grizzly bears are both using the overpass to increase their chances of finding a mate.

The CBC article reports “one black bear male in the study, mated with at least five different females and fathered at least 11 offspring while crossing back and forth, said Michael Sawaya, lead author of the study published Tuesday in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.”

Storms endanger UK wildlife

Three months of battering storms are leaving all of Britain’s wildlife at risk. While headlines may be capturing upsetting tales of seal pups being washed up on shore, the greatest danger may lay in the loss of earthworms. As one of the lowest species in the food chain, their loss could be catastrophic as their disappearance renders entire ecosystems helpless.

We’ll be following this story and sending our thoughts to those wild animals in need.

Power, at what cost?

Wind is an obvious choice for a clean, renewable power source. But at what cost? According to a recent survey, 97.38 per cent of Ontarians do not support wind power if it means harm may come to birds and other animals.

Headlines aren’t the whole story

“Child approached by three coyotes,” reads the headline on CBC’s website. But the story indicates that … well, we don’t know what it indicates. The story simply states “Environment Yukon says they received a report yesterday of a child being approached by 3 coyotes on Grove Street. The child wasn't hurt, and the coyotes were scared away by a parent.”

But why let facts get in the way of a good headline?

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