Beaver Blotter: June 23, 2014

Traps in Toronto suburb lead to warning

The Oakville & Milton Humane Society is warning residents of the Toronto suburb after a spate of reports of wildlife being caught in Conibear and leg-hold traps. An affluent community, many wildlife conflicts are resolved by humane wildlife control companies like Gates’ AAA Wildlife Control. But unsuspecting residents have also been paying cash to ambiguous online individuals to remove the problematic animals – and humane isn’t on the list of tools.

Dad’s bed time stories turn into children’s book

Newfoundland’s Dwayne LaFitte has always enjoyed telling bedtime stories to his son – and now he is writing them. Following in the footsteps of many great Canadian writers, LaFitte is telling stories about local wildlife – polar bears, cod, Canada Geese and others. Here’s hoping for more great stories for dads everywhere!

Coyote, cougar or bobcat?

Residents in Burnaby were treated to a rare site – and slightly confused about what they saw. According to the CBC, a call about a cougar, which residents originally thought was a coyote, turned out to be a bobcat.

Ridiculously illogical

A family in Saskatchewan is grieving after a woman was killed in a wildlife-motorist collision. But this comment in the Leader-Post is so illogical, it’s ridiculous. The author states that “deregulate hunting and the menace will be eliminated, with luck, before you are a victim or lose a loved one.”

Study after study has shown that hunting does not decrease conflict; but learning to co-exist with wildlife, be it on motorways or backyards, does.

Blog roll

June 18: DreamWorks shows that co-existence is possible – even with dragons

June 19: Danish furriers expect nearly 60% drop in pelt prices

June 20: Dog trapped: no signs, warnings of trapping in Alberta public trail

Defender Radio Episode 135: The quest for understanding

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