Beaver Blotter: June 30, 2014

Stay safe on roads

The Ontario Provincial Police (and their counterparts in municipal police services and the RCMP) are reminding residents to be extra safe while driving after a high number of deer-related collisions on roads. As reported on the Bayshore Broadcasting News Centre, a number of helpful tips, including keeping high-beams on when possible, slowing down and blowing horn when wildlife is seen near the road and knowing that if you see one deer, others are likely nearby.

Protesters want protection for Yellowstone wolves

Well over 100 participants gathered outside the gates of Yellowstone National Park last weekend to protest the hunting and trapping of wolves. Only a few decades ago, wolves were added to the endangered species list in America as their numbers dwindled; the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone was a well-documented and successful plan. But ranchers and sport hunters have continuously opposed their protection, until it was removed in recent years.

Wildlife viewing tours in Namibia a rare treat

An eco-tourism company has teamed up with Birding Africa to offer a rare treat – wildlife and bird tours in Namibia. The incredible bio-diversity of the African nation will be an amazing opportunity for wildlife lovers, photographers and birders.

Can you hear the rain down in Africa?

The Tanzanian government is getting in on science – they’ve cut the elephant hunting quota by 50 per cent! While many are complaining that it isn’t enough, it’s a significant step forward for a government that has largely looked the other way – or been unable to take action on – poaching of the endangered species.

Blog Roll

June 27, 2014: The 0.1% that trappers contribute to nature-based economics

June 25, 2014: Stanley Park Ecology Society's coyote feeding warning on the mark

June 24, 2014: The art of media speculation

June 24, 2014: Three cheers for David Lea and The Oakville Beaver

Defender Radio Episode 136: Interpreting Intelligence

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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