Beaver Blotter: May 20, 2014

Recycling for the animals

A group of animal advocates are taking back the fur – and giving it back, too. The Star Tribune in Minneapolis is reporting on another organization finding a way to revitalize fur – but not for fashion. The fur, with buttons and zippers removed and re-sewn, can be used as toys or comfort items for orphaned animals. It’s always nice to see pain recycled into hope.

Hunting for deer – without killing

Two brothers in Pennsylvania are hunting deer – but not in the traditional manner. The Courier Express published a story explaining how the duo hunt for shed antlers in the public forests near their home. They’ve elevated it to an art, bringing in a new dog to help and employing many traditional tracking and hunting methods. It seems to be a great way to get outside, get closer to nature and keep animals safe.

Fad could be endangering pets in China

We tried to come up with a way to write this, but reporter Simon Parry of the South China Morning Post did such a great job, we thought we’d share it:

“Poodles, other miniatures, and some bigger dogs are being paraded around at weekends with the latest accessory in animal fashion: pink legs, canary yellow ankles or electric blue tails. An increasing number of pet parlours across the city are offering dyeing as part of their grooming services and insist they use dyes that do no harm to the dog. But animal rights campaigners are concerned at the practice, warning that not all dyes used are harmless and using artificial colour on a dog's fur could trigger an attack by another animal confused by its altered appearance.”

Animal Asia and other organizations are speaking out against this act and hoping to create change. We hope they do, too.

Blog Roll

May 15: Pipelines are bad for animals

May 14: FTC: Science? We don’t need no stinkin’ science

May 13: Athabasca resident hits home run with feeding by-law request

May 12: Explore APFA’s history in ‘The Defenders’ eBook, now available

Defender Radio Episode 131: Celebrating co-existence

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