Beaver family defends themselves from invasive dog

Beaver family defends themselves from invasive dog

Should an intruder storm into your house and be successfully scared away or fought off, you’d be heralded for your actions. We know this is true because all we had to do was type “burglar defense” into Google News and see the string of North American news outlets sharing these stories.

But when a family of beavers defended their North Saskatchewan River home from an intruder, they were given a different treatment by the media.

‘We were worried that was going to be the end’: Dog attacked by beavers in Fort Saskatchewan” is the headline that accompanies the tale as told by CTV News.

According to CTV a woman was walking her three dogs along a trail adjacent to the river. While in the water chasing a stick Kilo (an adorable pit bull-type dog) was “attacked” by three beavers. The injuries weren’t life threatening, but Kilo required 42 stitches in his belly and leg. Now his owner is speaking to the media to warn “other people to prevent more beavers from hurting their pets.”

We don’t mean to dismiss the pain and fear Kilo and his family experienced – any time one of our furry family members are traumatized it’s upsetting. However, this media article fails to incorporate the views of the rest of the individuals involved in this story: the beaver family.

The family was likely enjoying an afternoon outside their home – when suddenly, a predator rushed them, teeth flashing. Fortunately, their quick actions protected their kits and home, driving the intruder back.

At least, that’s one way to tell the story. The simple fact is off-leash dogs will be seen as a threat by many species in natural spaces (from bears and coyotes down to beavers and raccoons). It is somewhat alarming that CTV did not address this point in their article – even when speaking with a “wildlife control expert.”

Please remember to keep dogs leashed unless in designated areas. And remember that in cases like this, there’s more than one side to the story.

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