Beavers play a role in protecting at-risk amphibians, scientists learn

At-risk amphibians in Wyoming’s national parks are being given a helping hand by beavers, scientists have learned.

According to the Jackson Hole News and Guide, researched published by the US Geological Survey (USGS) indicates that declining amphibian populations are dropping at a slower rate when beavers and their dams are present in the habitat.

“Although beaver were uncommon, their creation or modification of wetlands was associated with higher colonization rates for four of five amphibian species, producing a 34 percent increase in occupancy in beaver-influenced wetlands compared to wetlands without beaver influence,” noted the authors of the USGS study, which was published in Biological Conservation. “Also, colonization rates and occupancy of boreal toads and Columbia spotted frogs were greater than two times higher in beaver-influenced wetlands. These strong relationships suggest management for beaver that fosters amphibian recovery could counter declines in some areas.”

It is no surprised to The Fur-Bearers that beavers are helping save other species – after all, we’ve been promoting that fact as part of our Living With Wildlife campaign for years. And that’s why it’s so important that communities learn how to live with beavers by use of flow devices rather than resort to the inherently inhumane and ecologically ridiculous trapping of these eco-engineers.

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