Canada Day fun: four things you didn’t know about beavers

We LOVE beavers, if you didn’t know. And today, our national birthday, we’ll be seeing beavers all over the place. But as much as the public loves to joke about beavers on Canada Day, there’s a lot that you may not know about these rodents!

Their teeth never stop growing. The big teeth that beavers are known for never stop growing – and that’s one of the reasons they’re always gnawing on stuff. Using their powerful teeth regularly helps keep them down to a comfortable and healthy size.

Their iconic tails are multi-tools. Beavers use their tails in the water to help propel themselves and steer, on land to balance themselves, and can make a thunderous clap on the surface of water to warn other nearby beavers of oncoming danger.

Boy, can they build! The largest beaver dam ever found is a whopping 850 metres (over half a mile!) and is in Northern Alberta. It was found not by adventurers – but by a satellite!

They aren’t just Canadian. Beavers are common in Canada, but they can also be found in America, much of western Europe, and even into Asia! The beavers across “the pond” are a separate species, known as Eurasian beavers, but share many characteristics with the furry friends we have here.

Enjoy your Canada Day, everyone!

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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