Canadian Fur Trade by the Numbers

Source: Statistics Canada

The total number of fur-bearing animals killed (in the wild/fur farms) in Canada each year: 3,332,250


Photo: Coyote with his head in a Conibear trap.

TRAPPING (Leg-hold, Conibear and snare traps) – AN OVERVIEW

In 2009, number of animals trapped and killed in the wild: 730,915

Newfoundland: 14,687 animals

Prince Edward Island: 6,196 animals

Nova Scotia: 24,987 animals

New Brunswick: 38,889 animals

Quebec: 214,326 animals

Ontario: 179,937 animals

Manitoba: 70,057 animals

Saskatchewan: 55,001 animals

Alberta: 71,301 animals

British Columbia: 21,228 animals

Yukon: 2,324 animals

Northwest Territories: 27,489 animals

Nunavut: 4,493 animals

(These numbers include badger, bear, beaver, cougar, coyote, ermine, fisher, fox, lynx, marten, mink, muskrat, otter, rabbit, raccoons, skunk, squirrel, bobcat, wolf, wolverine. Numbers DO NOT include harp seals on Canada’s east coast.)

Total “dollar value” of trapped animals (wildlife) for 2009: $14,847,952


In 2010, number of minks killed on fur farms: 2,590,950

In 2010, number of foxes killed on fur farms: 10,385

In 2010, total number of minks and foxes killed on fur farms: 2,601,335


Photo: Mink on fur farm.

Newfoundland: 2,405 foxes and 214,700 minks

Prince Edward Island: 880 foxes and 124,800 minks

Nova Scotia: 885 foxes and 1,347,700 minks

New Brunswick: 2,120 foxes and 54,300 minks

Quebec: 3,380 foxes and 70,800 minks

Ontario: 355 foxes and 504,400 minks

Manitoba: individual animals not reported, only 56,400 listed as a total

Saskatchewan: n/a

Alberta: n/a

British Columbia: 0 foxes and 215,000 minks

Yukon: n/a

Northwest Territories: n/a

Nunavut: n/a

Total “dollar value” of fur farmed animals (foxes/minks) for 2010: $192,510,789

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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