Animals’ Liberty, based in Oberhausen, reported that fur hats in a Tom Tailor clothing store and pom poms at pharmacy Müller, were made of cat fur. The importation of cat (and other domestic animal) fur was banned by the European Union in 2009.
The Daily Mail reported that Tom Tailor issued a statement that they “deeply regretted what had happened,” and Müller removed the products “promptly.”
While decisive action was taken by the German retailers, it may further shock our friends in Germany to know that the importation of dog and cat fur remains perfectly legal in Canada. In fact, current regulations do not even require that the products be labelled.
Despite the clear message that Canadians – and most citizens of the western world – find this practice abhorrent, attempts to change the laws have been shut down.
Find out what you can do to bring an end to the importation of cat and dog fur in Canada today.