Celebrating Castor Canadensis: Five easy ways you can save the beavers

Celebrating Castor Canadensis: Five easy ways you can save the beavers

Saving the world can feel a bit… arduous, at times. Fortunately, we have a secret weapon here in Canada: the beaver!

Beavers are eco-engineers who develop and maintain wetlands that are essential to all matter of life in Canada and around the world – including humans. When drought was punishing California’s agricultural sector a few years ago, it was known that an increase in beaver activity, and the subsequent increase in groundwater and biodiversity, could play a role in preventing such environmental crises in the future. Even NASA told our Defender Radio podcast that beavers have this superpower.

But despite this, many still label beavers a nuisance, and use cruel trapping methods to kill thousands of beavers across the country every year. Fortunately, The Fur-Bearers have solutions to prevent the need for lethal action – you can read more about them in this blog. But our work, from tree wrapping and installation of flow devices, to educating communities and working on policy, can’t be done alone. That’s why we need you to help us save beavers – and it’s easier than you think:

  1. Get the Castor Canadensis swag: we’ve got an awesome t-shirt sale going on right now, but only for a very limited time! These shirts will stop selling on May 21, 2017, so head over to our Bonfire page and order yours, available in women’s and unisex sizing, and multiple colours. They’ll ship in time for Canada Day, so you can celebrate Castor Canadensis – and all proceeds go directly into our Living With Wildlife: Beaver campaign!
  2. Get your beaver kits involved: whether you’re at home with the kids on a rainy day, or a community kids’ group leader looking for activities, our beaver colouring sheet is all kinds of fun – and educational, too! Download it here, and get colouring.
  3. Visit a local beaver pond: beavers are in urban and rural environments all across North America, and their handiwork, and the resulting diverse ecosystems, can be found almost everywhere. Head out and visit your local beaver pond (but don’t feed or bother the animals) and see how awesome their work is – take your friends, family, or classroom along, too!
  4. Support companies that support beavers: companies like Wully Outerwear and the Green Beaver Company help The Fur-Bearers provide protection for wildlife, including beavers, through partnerships. Show your appreciation by shopping with them and helping the animals.
  5. Become a monthly supporter: monthly donations provide The Fur-Bearers with a reliable stream of revenue that we can count on when we plan how many trips we can make to install flow devices, train municipalities in non-lethal management techniques, or meet with politicians to get policy to protect beavers in place. Click here to donate now – as little as $10/month, or the cost of two lattes, goes a long way!

We know beavers are superheroes ready for action – and we know that with your help, we can keep them safe while they help save the world.

monthly donor(for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) pleaseclick hereand help us save lives today.

Help Make A Difference

Join The Fur-Bearers today and help us protect fur-bearing animals in the wild and confinement. To become a monthly donor (for as little as $10/month – the cost of two lattes) please click here and help us save lives today. Your donation is tax-deductible.


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