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Coming Soon! The Ghosts in Our Machine

Afraid of ghosts? Don’t be. By not being overly graphic, but rather more artistic in its presentation of the facts, Ghosts in Our Machine is a new documentary from filmmaker Liz Marshall that follows internationally renowned photographer Jo-Anne McArthur as she travels around the world documenting the lives of animals. Rated: PG.
BUY TICKETS: Vancouver, August 2 & 3, 7 & 8

This documentary screening is sponsored by Fur-Bearer’s Association, Friends of Animals, Liberation BC, Earthsave Canada and Nice Shoes.

There will be a Q & A session on Friday, August 2nd after the showing.

“The director gives us a lens with which to see these animals as part of our own tribe, as sentient beings, and families in need of our protection. Thankfully there is a balance between scenes of darkness and light, with much needed visits to a farm sanctuary, a beagle rescue, and a hugely compelling lesson in forgiveness from a wise old chimpanzee. By blending the haunting beauty of Jo-Anne McArthurs’s photographs with a soundtrack by Toronto musician (and vegan), Bob Wiseman, Liz Marshall has created something truly compelling and visually satisfying. The viewer comes away deeply moved, inspired, and above all, committed to doing something about this worldwide tragedy.

Carolyn Mill, Managing Director
Earthsave Canada

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