Compassionate conservation is worth talking about

There’s a lot of debate about conservation these days – we even took a jab at it in a article, and on our own blog. But we’re not the only ones talking about what conservation should mean in our modern society.

The concept of compassionate conservation, which is the centre focus of a conference in Vancouver this week, is something we wholly support.

In a Forbes article, Dr. Marc Bekoff said of compassionate conservation, “we must be motivated by the universal moralimperative, namely, ‘First do no harm.’ We need to ask how other animals feel about the loss of their homes because solid science tells us that they suffer like we do when we lose a safe and peaceful place to live, thrive, and survive.”

Hear Dr. Marc Bekoff on Defender Radio

By accepting what we know about animals as individuals and continuing to explore them as such, as well as entire species and members of ecosystems, we can combine science with morals and have a truly conservation-based management model.

We’ll be learning more about it this week at the Compassionate Conservation conference – and hope you’ll be open to learning more about it, too.

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