Court upholds West Hollywood’s fur sales ban

When a law is just, it will be upheld. And that’s the case in West Hollywood this week.

According to the HSUS, the policy banning the sale of fur in West Hollywood was upheld by a federal court after a retailer filed a complaint, claiming the ban was unconstitutional.

The HSUS noted: “[Judge George] King wrote that West Hollywood’s intent to ‘promote community awareness of animal welfare, foster the City’s goal to be a community that cares about animal welfare, and further the City’s reputation as Cruelty Free Zone for animals’ by prohibiting fur sales was a ‘legitimate interest,’ rejecting claims that the ban was unconstitutional.”

WeHo has a strong history of protecting animals, with policies ban cat declawing, exotic animal performances, and regulations for caged chickens.

This ruling sets a strong precedent for California – and potentially the rest of the United States. People’s voices were heard, and change was made.

Congratulations to West Hollywood!

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