The Edmonton Journal has reported that the city is expecting to exceed their annual averages after learning they’ve already received 2,500 calls regarding the song dogs on their community information line.
“As more people move into the city and the city grows, we’re just encroaching more on their natural habitat,” the Journal reported Councillor Michael Walters as saying.
City staff have been asked by their political leadership to create a plan for increased funding to wildlife management which, according to the Journal, could include “more staff, research, and trapping or killing of animals that have become dangerous.”
And one councillor asked the question that more communities must ponder.
“How do we deal with those situations where people might feel threatened, but there’s actually no threat,” asked Councillor Ben Henderson.
Fortunately for Councillor Henderson, The Fur-Bearers have tens of thousands of supporters who give us the reach to help.
Today we sent a formal email to Henderson and his colleagues on council offering our services – from creating fresh, original educational content for their website and geo-targeted communities, to helping in developing a full non-lethal wildlife management program.
Co-existing with wildlife is not only possible, but ecologically sound and scientifically proven. Coyotes belong in the Edmonton area and residents (as well as their pets) can safely live among them when simple steps are taken and municipal by-laws are implemented and enforced.
We've even made an original image that can help residents of Edmonton (or other communities) live peacefully with coyotes – download it by clicking here, or find it on our Facebook and Twitter feeds!
Work like our growing Living With Wildlife campaign is only possible with the support of monthly donors. Please consider become a monthly donor – for as little as $5 a month – and help us create a Canada that is truly humane.