24 Hrs Vancouver recently reported on a document unearthed by Wolf Awareness and Raincoast Conservation Foundation that was penned by B.C. biologists.
The document “states that while wolf predation has become unsustainable over the past few decades, it’s because ‘that period corresponded to extensive landscape change due to industrial activities,’” 24 Hrs reported. “The document lists forest harvesting, road building, and oil and gas developments modifying valley-bottom forests — and mining exploration and development occurred in high-elevation caribou habitat.”
This is not news, however, to those who have followed the epic failure of the governments of British Columbia and Alberta who are claiming to be protecting endangered mountain caribou herds.
The theory in practice is that wolves are responsible for the diminishing populations of the caribou – despite all science and experience of professionals being against that theory. What is really at hand is governments who need to appear to be doing something for the environment while trying to continue exploiting it.
Mining for minerals, oil extraction, tapping natural gas deposits and removal of forests led us to a point at which caribou herds are declining – an event that may be irreversible. But that does not mean we need to kill more animals in the name of political marketing.
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