Danish furriers expect nearly 60% drop in pelt prices

The golden age of fur farming is coming to an end in Denmark, and we can expect similar results in Canada.

According to Danish newspaper Politiken, mink furs harvested in the European nation – the largest producer of mink fur – hit a high of 622 Danish Krone per pelt ($122.87 CAD). But with a dwindling Asian market and overproduction on the farms, experts believe the price will drop nearly 60 per cent – as low as 270 Krone per pelt ($53.43 CAD).

A consultant said [translated by Google] of the price drops “there will be no money to pay the interest on the loan or the bread and butter for mink farmers.”

As Canada’s fur farms sell to the very same markets as the world-leading Danes, we can expect a sharp decline in value – and that will mean, hopefully, fewer mink kept in tiny cages and killed each year.

Photo by Jo-Anne McArthur/WeAnimals

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