Deer caught in snare near Algonquin

Another animal is at risk of great suffering due to a snare near Algonquin Park in Ontario.

In the same community where a wolf was caught in a snare earlier only a few weeks ago, a resident has contacted local media in hopes of helping a deer who has a snare wrapped around his neck.

“I’m not a great lover of wolves, nor am I a great lover of snares – trappers have to make a living too. I’m just hoping this (publicity) gets something done for the deer,” the resident told the Bracebridge Examiner.

Unfortunately, so long as trapping is allowed, this kind of incident will continue. And it won’t stop with just wolves or coyotes or other animals that trappers intend to catch. Traps – be they leg-holds, Conibears or snares – are inanimate objects, incapable of differentiating between species. If a snare is able to catch a wolf and a deer, it is equally capable of catching a dog, cat, endangered species or even a person.

At this point, the deer appeared relatively healthy, though it is reported that the snare is digging into the flesh of his neck and several feet of wire was seen dragging behind him.

There are no humane traps, and it is time for the residents of these communities to speak out – to their local municipalities, their MPPs and MPs and demand change.

Above photo compliments the Bracebridge Examiner.


Contact your provincial government – MLA in BC or MPP in ON – and ask them to push for immediate changes to trapping regulations in your province.

Here is a sample letter:

Dear ________

I am very concerned about the use of bodygripping traps (leg-hold, Conibear and snare traps) that are used to restrain or kill wildife for the fashion fur trade.

I believe these traps are cruel, dangerous and have no place in a modern society. Even so-called “certified humane traps” such as leg-holds and snares are indiscriminate machines and can harm and injury non-target animals and our domestic pets.

With ongoing cutbacks to conservation staff, a growing number of people using recreational spaces, unenforceable trap check times and a clear danger to public safety, it is time to overhaul all provincial trapping regulations.

I urge you to please push for the following actions:

  • Prohibition of all bodygripping traps including the leg-hold (YES IT’S STILL LEGAL), Conibear and snare (at least in urban areas and provincial parks).
  • Mandatory signage on all active traplines to warn the general public.
  • Mandatory identification tags for all traps so trappers breaking the law can be held accountable.

Thank you for making the welfare of our wildife and the safety of people and their pets a priority.


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