Adam Winston’s Podcast Explores Dogs In Our World (515)

Defender Radio Podcast Adam Winston’s Podcast Explores Dogs In Our World

In our world, there are many types of dogs, each unique and wonderful. And in a 12-episode podcast series, Adam Winston has explored makes our relationships with them so incredible. Adam has combined his passions for learning, his love of dogs, and his experience as an Air Force Radio and Television Producer to create this journey of discovery called Dogs In Our World.

Each episode features a produced interview with an expert, including a philosopher, a historian, multiple trainers and behaviourists, and even Dr. Temple Grandin. These experts all discuss with Adam the dogs with whom we share our lives, history, and homes, revealing incredible insights. The thought provoking episodes are a wonderful chance for life long dog lovers and trainers to those who know little about our domestic canines to learn alongside Adam.

Having recently wrapped his first season, Adam joined Defender Radio for an exclusive, in-depth interview exploring his journey to becoming a dog person and ultimately developing Dogs In Our World, the excitement of nabbing conversations with high-profile experts, highlights from the season, and what he’s learned about himself and the world around him through a love of dogs.

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