It’s season eight! We’ve got a lot to catch up on – the pandemic, the outstanding contest, what’s going on with The Fur-Bearers and more – and we will catch up on all of that with a special episode soon. This week I want to dive right into our interview because of the timeliness and need for action on this issue.
Mountain caribou in British Columbia are on the brink of collapse – and despite promises to create endangered species legislation, the government instead has begun auctioning off sections of land to logging companies. Twelve of the 14 cutblocks are in the Argonaut drainage, which is critical habitat for the Northern Columbia herd.
This news came as a result of an investigation by Wilderness Committee, Echo Conservation Society and Wildsight.
To give us a quick overview of this long-standing issue and what the latest is, as well as how you can take action, Charlotte Dawe from Wilderness Committee joined Defender Radio.
Episode art photo submitted by Casey Dubois Media and Echo Conservation Society
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