Bill 156 is dangerous for animals.
This legislation, introduced in late 2019, targets those who find their ways onto animal agricultural facilities and document disregard for animal welfare or individuals who are working on farms and become whistleblowers in the face of blatant animal cruelty. It even targets those who protest or bear witness for animals on their way to slaughter. It is billed as a way to protect the security of farmers and food production, but if that was the intent it would focus on the farms – not those who find problems with them.
Animal agriculture isn’t an area I spend a lot of time researching outside of its relationship to wildlife conflict; some of the dear people in my life are passionate about this subject, however, and I witnessed their distress in the face of this legislation. That’s why I wanted to talk to Camille Labchuk, Executive Director at Animal Justice. We get into what this legislation will actually mean and how animal lovers and activists can take action against it. We also discuss the PAWS Act – Ontario’s new animal welfare legislation that replaces the enforcement actions of the Ontario SPCA.
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