Defender Radio and The Switch Season 11

A Canadian landscape with the Defender Radio and The Switch logos on it.
Photo by Liene Helmig / Getty Images

I’m excited to announce season 11 of Defender Radio and The Switch is going live this month! You’ll be hearing long-form interviews from expert scientists around the world talking about wildlife behaviour, population dynamics, and the environment. We’ll be exploring ways you can reduce your impact on the climate crisis and become more resilient through bi-weekly episodes of The Switch. And I can’t wait to hear from you! Make sure you’re following The Fur-Bearers on Instagram @furbearers and find us on Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn by searching The Fur-Bearers, where you can leave comments about the latest episodes, share your tips, and chat with me about upcoming episode ideas!

Remember to subscribe and follow Defender Radio and The Switch wherever you listen, and sign up to receive email updates from The Fur-Bearers to ensure you hear about each new episode! Find more episodes and how to listen at

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