Tizzy and Me: Fifteen Ways To Love A Mink feat. Dr. Nadja Lubiw-Hazard

A picture of a mink among rocks, with text that reads Tizzy and Me: Fifteen WayS To Love A Mink, featuring Dr. Nadja Lubiw-Hazard.
Photo by DanielLacy / Getty Images

One day at school, 7-year-old animal loving Georgia discovers her best friend is wearing a coat made with mink fur; with the companionship of her dog Tizzy, Georgia and her friend begin to learn about animals that live in fur farms – and that they must stand up for them.

Tizzy and Me: Fifteen Ways to Love A Mink is the lovely chapter book by NML Hazard (also known as Dr. Nadja Lubiw-Hazard), a former veterinarian turned author. Published in late 2024 by Red Deer Press with illustrations by Alice Priestly, Tizzy and Me is a wonderful story for young people and families who want to discuss issues of animal welfare, talking about difficult topics, and making an impact for animals in our lives. To discuss her unique background, what went into writing Tizzy and Me, what she hopes people learn, and some great writing tips, Defender Radio is joined by Dr. Nadja Lubiw-Hazard.

To listen to this episode click the ‘play’ button below, download the MP3, visit us on Apple PodcastsSpotify or Google Podcasts. Get the RSS feed here.


Dr. Nadja Lubiw-Hazard (NML Hazard): https://www.nmlhazard.com/
Tizzy & Me from Red Deer Press: https://www.reddeerpress.com/Detail/0889957509

Episode art photo of a mink by DanielLacy / Getty Images

Want to suggest topics for Defender Radio? Reach out to us at [email protected], by visiting DefenderRadio.com or engaging host Michael Howie on social media via Instagram (www.instagram.com/howiemichael) or Facebook (www.Facebook.com/DefenderRadio). 

Defender Radio is produced by The Fur-Bearers (www.TheFurBearers.com), a charitable non-partisan organization whose mandate is to advocate on behalf of fur-bearing animals in the wild and in confinement, promote coexistence solutions in communities and protect the habitats of fur-bearing animals across Canada. You can follow The Fur-Bearers on Instagram (www.instagram.com/furbearers), Twitter (www.twitter.com/furbearers) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/FurFree). 

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