Not only is the hunting and trapping of coyotes a cruel activity, it is an ineffective means of attempting to “control” wildlife.
Culling does not work. Be it coyotes, skunks, deer or any other species, culling is a band-aid, knee-jerk reaction to a perceived wildlife problem. Whenever there is conflict between wildlife and humans, there is a root cause. That cause is often the intentional or unintentional feeding of wildlife, urban sprawl and development, or a spin-off of other attempts at “controlling” ecosystems. Without addressing these root causes, the wildlife – whether the targeted species of the cull or not – will return.
Further, in the case of coyotes, there is ample scientific evidence that proves persecution will actuallyincreaselitter sizes and rates. Very simply put, attempting to cull coyotes is nothing more than an excuse to kill.
The government of Ontario has sent mixed messages regarding the environment over the years. On one hand they’ve invested in green energy technologies, targeted the reduction of traffic congestion and created numerous programs to help homeowners be more energy efficient. But behind the scenes, the government has cut funding to services that should be protecting the environment; they’re sanctioning the needless slaughter of wildlife; and they’re dismissing concerns from residents every day.
Your government needs to know that you do not support the deregulation of culls in municipalities. They need to know that supposed fiscal prudence is not an acceptable excuse for endangering our wildlife and environment. They need to know that you will speak for those who cannot speak themselves.
Contact your Ontario MPP today and tell them that you, a protector of fur-bearing animals, expect better.