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Episode 101: Defender Radio

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It’s finally here! After a great deal of quiet background work, we’re pleased to launch this first official episode of Defender Radio, a new podcast that focuses on the fur industry, wildlife, advocacy and everything animal related. We also must thank Brad Gates of Gates’ Wildlife Control in Toronto who has been a strong supporter of APFA and has signed on as the title sponsor for Defender Radio.

In this inaugural episode, we’re bringing you interviews from a wide range of folks:

Marc Bekoff

Dr. Marc Bekoff

Dr. Marc Bekoff is a former professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and co-founder with Jane Goodall of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatments of Animals. He has won many awards for his scientific research and has written more than 800 articles, numerous books and edited three encyclopaedias. Marc joins us to talk about his field of expertise, Animal Emotions.

Brad Gates

Brad Gates

Brad Gates is President of Gates’ Wildlife Control. Brad is perhaps the best friend fur-bearing animals can have in an urban area. Gates’ Wildlife Control has spent nearly 30 years developing humane methods to safely remove wildlife from homes and businesses, always keeping the welfare of animals a priority. Brad talks with us about urban wildlife, specifically racoons and squirrels, and why they love calling our homes, their homes.

Jasmine Polisnelli

Jasmine Polsinelli

Jasmine Polsinelli, an 11-year-old activist, is the youngest person in the 50+ year history of the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals to be awarded a lifetime membership. She has been featured on television and interviewed for print. Jasmine joins the show to talk about being a youth activist and how she’s working to get the message to the masses.


Jo-Anne McArthur

Jo-Anne McArthur is the renowned photographer behind the WeAnimals project and is the central human focus of the award-winning film The Ghosts in Our Machine. Her impressive body of work includes investigations into fur farms, slaughterhouses and more. Jo joins Defender Radio to talk about the impact of her work in the animal rights and advocacy movement, the legalities of her investigations and the emotional toll it can all take.

Listen now by streaming (below), downloading the MP3 or subscribing to our podcast on iTunes.

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