‘Extremists’ lead security expert to work for fur industry

fox fur farm MakeFurHistory
America’s fur farms are under siege from armed guerillas, fighting to the death for an ideal. At least, that’s what a security expert working for the fur industry wants the world to think.

In an article in the Capital Press – an agricultural news website – Kevin Flynn (not the Ontario politician) is described as the last line of defense against “animal rights extremists.”

“Kevin Flynn once evaluated U.S. military bases for security breaches and protected convoys from attack,” says the Capital Press article. “Nowadays, Flynn puts those battleground skills to use for mink farmers, checking their operations for vulnerabilities and advising them how to avoid the threat of attacks by animal rights extremists.”

This concept that anyone who choose to be fur-free – and believes that animals should not be killed for their skin – are terrorists is growing old and tiresome. The article cites the numerous “attacks” against the fur industry, but fails to define them.

Could these attacks be terrorists, sneaking in and planting bombs, seeking to injure or kill people and sow distrust amongst the populace? Or could it be individuals bearing witness and filming the truth of these operations? Could it even be people simply driving by the farms?

Because The Fur-Bearers were investigated by the RCMP in 2013, when we went on a (public road) tour of mink farms in Nova Scotia. We did not exit our car or leave the major roadways. Yet the local detachment contacted and warned our staff not to go near the farms. Does that count as one of these so-called “attacks” that the farmers fear?

But there are some who are not helping the cause. In the comments section of this, and many other, articles, there are statements from those who oppose the fur industry that imply or directly threaten violence; there is foul language and hatred; there are promises of retribution of karmic redemption. We understand the frustration, pain and anger these individuals feel. But the language being used gives ammunition to an industry seeking increased support from governments and laws to protect them.

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The reality is, people’s interest in fur is waning in North America. The pelt values are down across the board, and the majority are being exported to Eastern Europe and Asia. But even in those countries, the concept of animal welfare is rising – and fur is declining.

The fur industry can keep spinning yarn (pun intended), but in the end, we know that we will #MakeFurHistory.

Work like our growing Make Fur History campaign is only possible with the support of monthly donors. Please consider become a monthly donor – for as little as $5 a month – and help us create a Canada that is truly fur-free.

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Formed in 1953, The Fur-Bearers (The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) is a registered Canadian charity that protects fur-bearing animals through conservation, advocacy, research, and education. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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