CTV yesterday reported that at least four dogs – only two of which could be considered “pit bull type dogs” – have been targeted with violent actions.
One dog ingested meatballs filled with razor blades, another – a pure bred Boxer – was taken from their owner’s yard, beaten, and burned in the face with cigarettes. In another case, a family’s six-month-old dog died, and their one-year-old fell critically ill, after poisoned food was left on their balcony.
Science shows that “pit bull type dogs” are not genetically more aggressive, not genetically more capable of killing or injuring, and that breed specific legislation doesn’t work. In fact, an article last week highlighted that in Ontario, where breed specific legislation has been in place since 2005 (and resulted in the killing of thousands of innocent dogs, which continues today), there is absolutely no evidence that dog bites or deaths by conflict with dogs has gone down.
Defender Radio podcast: The BS in BSL
Whether it’s coyotes, bears, or dogs, fear generated by politicians and the media will always end the same way. As a little green guy once said: “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
Please, say no to fear. Say no to anger and hate. And stop the suffering.
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