Five ways to use backyard fruit before local wildlife does

Picture of a black bear in a tree eating an apple
A black bear (Ursus americanus) eats apples from a tree.
Photo by Sward85 / Getty Images

Fruit trees are common in residential yards across Canada and provide many benefits, in addition to being a lovely part of landscapes. But the ripening fruits on those trees – if not harvested – can attract and keep the focus of wildlife in your community. Fortunately, there are many ways to use backyard fruit before the animals do – including for folks who may not be able to collect the fruit on their own.

1 Preserving. Jams, jellies, and everything in between are a delicious way to make use of backyard fruits! There’s countless recipes to make fruit preserves, but if you’re looking for something quick and easy, check out this simple recipe from New York Times Cooking.

Photo by Mizina / Getty Images

2 Baking. Who doesn’t love a freshly baked fruit pie? Apples, peaches, plums, really any fruit will do! Looking for plant-based pie recipes? Here’s 17 from!

3 Gifting. A basket of locally grown apples is a loving gift that neighbours, friends, families, or anyone in the community is likely to love! If you’re into canning, baking, or creating anything else with your fruits, those finished products are also perfect for gifting.

4 Donate. Contact your local food bank, schools, shelters, or even wildlife rehabilitators and find out if they could use a share of your produce.

5 Gleaning projects. Groups who organize the harvest, storage, and distribution of locally harvested fruits are often called Gleaning Projects. If you’re unable to harvest the fruits yourself, these programs can be a fantastic resource. Just Google “fruit gleaning near me”!

What’s your favourite way to use fruit from backyard trees in your community? Let us know by emailing [email protected] or commenting on our social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X!

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