Four surprising times you might be using real fur

More people are choosing to go fur-free and take the pledge to #MakeFurHistory every day. But among those masses, many people may still be using fur and simply be unaware of it.

These are four surprising places you might find real fur – and have no idea you’re using it:

  1. Eyelash extensions: enhancing the natural beauty of eyes isn’t always cruelty free. “Natural” eyelash extensions are often made of mink fur, and, as we know, mink is one of the most highly farmed fur-bearing animals.
  2. Cat toys: those cute little furry toys that your cat might love to chase around could be covered in a dead cat’s fur. With no regulations on the importation of dog and cat fur from Asian countries (where the practice of using dog and cat fur is common), and no requirement to label these products, this kind of fur has been found on children’s toys and pet toys in Canada in the past.
  3. Make up brushes: getting just the right application of makeup is a challenge for many people, and sadly, a lot of the “natural” brushes available come from animal fur and hair. Brushes labelled as “sable” can be fur taken from mink, or other members of the weasel family.
  4. Faux fur: on multiple occasions, The Fur-Bearers have identified major retailers listing products as faux fur only to discover they were made of real fur. With lax labelling laws, there is no consequence to this action, and the errors continue every time the fashion season cycles over. That is one of the reasons The Fur-Bearers advocate against wearing any fur – even products labelled as faux.

In many of these cases, it’s just a little bit of fur. But that little bit of fur is part of a great deal of suffering, and fur is cruelty we can stop. Make the choice to #MakeFurHistory.

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Established in 1953, The Fur-Bearers is a charitable, non-partisan organization whose goals are to end the commercial fur trade and promote solutions for wildlife coexistence in communities. Your donation is tax-deductible. Charitable registration number: 130006125RR0002

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