Photo – Mike Howie through the ages, he’s always had some kind of facial hair!
Michael Howie says, “I’ve been working with animal rescue and advocacy groups in recent years. One of the biggest, the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals, focuses much of their work on wildlife trapped and killed for their fur. They also fight against trapping as a community response to ‘nuisance’ animals by providing free programs for coexistence, policy and even the installation of coexistence hardware like flow devices (for beavers).
As I’ve learned more and more I realized that while I try – in my little ways – to help protect these furry animals, I, myself, am a furry animal. I’ve had a beard since I was 15 (the source of my power) and was born with a crop of thick hair that grows at an alarming rate. I have decided that with the help of the community, I will trade my fur for theirs.
On June 21, I will shave my beard. I am asking that my friends, family, supporters and community members donate to the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals so that they may continue their life-saving work for the furry animals across our country. And, as an added bonus, if I hit the $1,000 mark, I will also shave my head.
Over the course of the next month, I will not trim my beard or get a haircut. You will be able to see the glory that is my unkept hair and beard – and a video of the devastating clippers.
As little as $1 can help make a difference, so please click on the image below and donate now to help me save the lives of innocent wildlife in our communities.”