“Since the ban on breeding furry animals became part of theAnimal Protection Act in 2006, most breeders of chinchillas, the only fur-breedinganimal in Croatia,stopped with fur production, but a minority continued, with the aim of having the ban abolished,” noted English-language EBL News.
Attempts to thwart this legislation by the Chinchilla breeding lobby failed, and animal advocates are celebrating this week in Croatia.
“Ethical awareness of our citizens has overcome petty financial interests and placed Croatia on the map of civilized countries that respect public opinion and are adopting high ethical and environmental standards in the treatment of animals,” wrote Animal Friends Croatia on their website. The group will be presenting a cake to symbolically thank the government officials who followed the clear mandate set forth by the public.
Croatia isn’t alone in ridding Europe of the inherently inhumane fur industry.
“In recent years an increasing number of European countries have, or are considering, legislation toprohibit fur farming,” says the Fur Free Alliance. “In the last two decades theUK, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia all votedto ban the fur farming industry. Currently similar legislation is considered in Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Norway and Germany.”
This major victory should be celebrated around the world, as cultures and governments take more actions to #MakeFurHistory!
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