Fur industry is misleading Gen Y – and marketing magazine

A marketing magazine has published an article suggesting that the concept of sustainability and ‘green’ choices is making fur popular amongst Generation Y. The irony is palatable.

In the Marketing Daily story, the journalist regurgitated fur industry statistics (and their fur industry’s analysis of them) and spoke to a professor of fashion design.

“Young students are really eager for us to teach them about fur,” Karen Groner of New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology, told Marketing Daily. “They’re in love with it. I have never seen such overwhelming interest.

“It’s not that these kids believe in cruelty to animals,” she added. “They just see fur as part of a life cycle, and are smarter about the environmental consequences of all fabrics, whether it’s pollution created by cotton farming, or the way synthetics clog up landfills.”

And herein lays the irony: the marketing magazine bought the marketing pitch. Hook, line and sinker.

The fur industry has heavily invested in the fur is green marketing ploy. That doesn’t change the facts. Commonly used chemicals in the process of preparing fur for wear include formaldehyde and chromium – chemicals that are caustic and carcinogenic. Fur farms produce massive amounts of waste from feed and the animals killed for their fur. The World Bank labelled the fur industry as one of the worst five on the planet for toxic-metal pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency in the United States has fined six fur processing sites for causing high levels of pollution.

Marketing Daily bought into a spin. Fur is not green and never will be. It’s time that Generation Y knows the truth about fur.

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