Fur trim, fake or real?

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Consumer labels on fur products dupe American consumers. An investigator for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Pierre Grzybowski, recently teamed up a Boston-based TV news crew to bring hidden cameras into popular clothing retailers to uncover the truth about fur trim.

Under U.S. Federal law, every item that’s made of real fur – in any part, even a tiny bit – needs a label listing the animal it came from.

U.S. based retailers including Steinmart, Rainbow and KGirl were reportedly selling real fur products with no labels. To make matters worse, some store clerks assured the investigators the items were made from fake fur, even though contained real fur.

Click the link to view the TV news segment featuring the HSUS fur labelling investigation.

Unlike the U.S., Canada has NO law that makes it mandatory for companies to label real fur. In Canada it is also legal to import and sell dog and cat fur!

Furthermore, there have been cases of Canadian companies advertising “fake fur” when the products were actually made from real fur.

Last year, an investigation by our Association revealed that coats sold online through Sears.ca and The Bay.ca that were advertised as “faux fur” actually contained real animal fur. A sweater bought in store at Winners contained labels on the item claiming the fur trim was both fake and real fur, although it was clearly 100% real animal fur.

The message? If you care about animals, it is best to avoid both real and fake fur products.

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