UPDATE (2020/05/28): The reward for information leading to the identification and conviction of the person(s) responsible for this incident has reached $6,000. The intial reward of $1,000 was offered by The Fur-Bearers; further pledges are from Gail Martin, Kitty and Tori Bourne, Carol Charles and an anonymous contributor.
A raccoon in Delta, BC, whose paw was broken, degloved and found to be infested by maggots after being caught by a Duke-style trap was humanely euthanized last week. The reward for information leading to the identification and conviction of the person(s) responsible has now reached $3,000.
Critter Care Wildlife Society received, evaluated and humanely euthanized the raccoon on May 17, after the otherwise healthy female was located in the community. The Fur-Bearers, a BC-based wildlife non-profit, were contacted and initially offered a reward of $1,000 for information regarding this incident; soon after, Gail Martin, Executive Director and Founder of Critter Care Wildlife Society personally contributed another $1,000 (not from Critter Care). This week, after reading the news, Lower Mainland residents Kitty and Tori Bourne personally contributed another $1,000, bringing the total to $3,000.
“People are upset by this kind of disturbing incident, and it’s impossible to accept in our communities,” explains Lesley Fox, Executive Director at The Fur-Bearers. “We don’t know who or why this trap was placed, but only one result can ever come from the use of restraining traps: suffering. If this stemmed from frustration with local wildlife, we understand, but this isn’t a solution. It’s simply cruel.”
The Fur-Bearers, the BC SPCA, and multiple other agencies regularly offer advice on preventing and mitigating human conflict with wildlife in urban and rural locations. Residents can visit their websites to learn more about non-lethal and truly humane practices for around their homes.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the BC Conservation Officer Service Report All Poachers and Polluters Line at 1-877-952-7277 or anonymously online at https://forms.gov.bc.ca/environment/rapp/.
Images provided by Critter Care Wildlife Society
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