We were contacted by our friends at the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC (WRA) who found a goose injured by a leg-hold trap on a Surrey golf course. The prior to the WRA being on scene are fuzzy, and we’re hoping the authorities will be able to promptly investigate and determine what exactly happened. What we do know is the goose was injured by a leg-hold trap, who is now recovering from lacerations.
And this is indicative of a larger issue facing communities right across Canada – wild animals are seen as irritants, so rather than looking to humane, non-lethal solutions to prevent or mitigate conflict, dangerous and inherently inhumane devices like traps are used.
We’re offering our assistance to the golf course to create and implement a co-existence program. But we’re also asking the City of Surrey, who in 2012requested the province let them regulate the clearly dangerous use of traps in their boundaries, to reissue their request.
Municipalities and landowners are frequently left on their own to manage wildlife conflict, and as such, should have the ability to make regulations about the various types of resolutions available – particularly those that put people and animals (including pets) in harm’s way.
The Fur-Bearers will continue to monitor this story and bring you updates as they’re available.
Image provided by the Wildlife Rescue Association of BC
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