The controversial hunt, which is under fire both for its potentially species-threatening scientific inaccuracies, as well as strong public opposition, has continued despite ongoing campaigns to end it from virtually all corners of the political and socioeconomic spectrum.
Dr. Faisal Moola of the David Suzuki Foundation told the Globe that 40 per cent of grizzlies being hunted in BC are killed by Americans, though the government’s data indicates that number is closer to 29 per cent.
“The reason Americans are coming to Canada to shoot grizzly bears in B.C. is because there are no more grizzly bears in places like Washington State or California – or they are legally protected and you can’t shoot them, in places like Montana or Wyoming,” Dr. Moola said in an interview.
The European Union banned the importation of grizzly trophies in 2004 over conservation concerns.
Though guide outfitters – those who profit from the hunting of grizzly bears – claim that “highly qualified experts” say they’re killing a sustainable number of bears, studies by non-government scientists put those figures in question.
A peer-reviewed study by Raincoast Conservation Foundation, for example, indicated that the government figures failed to take into account “uncertainty,” a vital scientific concept that could make a significant difference in policy decisions.
Defender Radio podcast: Uncertainty, certanily
As a result of this study, the Auditor General of British Columbia is now investigating whether or not the government policies “are effectively managing the grizzly bear population in BC.”
Guide outfitters, trophy hunters, and politicians can make all the irrational arguments they want about this hunt – the simple fact is it’s about greed. And no spin will change that.
We can’t influence the Auditor General’s investigation or findings, but we can keep pushing ourMLAs(if you live in BC) and the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resources, to end the trophy hunt of grizzly bears. Write a letter to your MLA (click here to find them) and copy it to the Minister of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resources Steve Thomson ([email protected]) to tell them you want to see the trophy hunting of grizzly bears ended!
Stay on point:this issue is about the ongoing trophy hunt of grizzly bears in BC– not anything else. Keep your comments directed to the facts and provide citations if necessary.
Stay polite and use spell check:if you’re rude, aggressive, misspell words, or use incorrect grammar, readers may become disengaged or dismissive of your points.
Provide solutions:rather than just say what’s wrong, say what’s right. Offer solutions or alternatives to help move forward conversations. We’re recommending highlighting the success of non-consumptive ecotourism as an alternative.
Identify yourself:it’s important to include your address when writing politicians so they know who you are, where you’re from, and that your vote will affect them in the next election.
Let us know what you hear:if you receive a message back from your representative, or they would like to discuss the issues in greater detail with us, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
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